You can cancel your software or service subscription at any time by logging into your Account.
- Type the email you used for the purchase in the Identification section and one of these options: your password, order ID, or the last 4 digits of the credit card you used.
- Once you have entered your email address and completed the security check, you will be prompted to enter the last 4 digits of your credit card or your ZIP/postal code in case you have used your PayPal account to complete this payment.
- You will see the list of your purchases. To see the details of a particular order, click "View and manage" next to it.
- Next to the subscription you wish to cancel click on the Cancel Rebill button. Update the page if required.
You will see that your future subscription has been canceled. Please note that canceling your subscription stops all future billing renewals but does not result in a refund of your existing product. You will still have access to the product until it expires.