The Scanner app is uniquely designed to allow efficient capture and sharing of your documents and images via your iPhone. For additional hints on capturing scans, review Obtaining High Quality Scans.
- From the Scanner app, select the Plus icon.
- Select Camera.
- Adjust the image using Scanner controls:
Flash on/off/auto: Manage your iPhone’s flash by selecting the Flash on/Flash off/Flash auto option.
Auto-crop: When selected, auto-crop defines the borders for your image automatically.
Auto-capture: Automatically recognizes and captures a photo. Deselect this feature to manually capture your image using the Shutter button.
Multi-page: When selected, multiple pages can be easily created using the Shutter button.
- Images are immediately created and viewable in the top navigation bar of the Review Page. From here you can Edit and Share once an image is selected.
- It is important to understand the additional controls at the bottom of the Scan Page.
Close button: Closes the camera and returns to the previous screen.
Cloud Service: View files stored on a separate cloud service.
Shutter: Captures a picture.
Images: Opens images on the camera roll.
Save: Saves the pages and moves to the next screen.